An emergency can happen at any time, anywhere to anyone. Though we should not wait for something unusual to happen, we should know the fact that there is no time to research on ‘how to act’ or ‘how to respond when an emergency strikes for real. It’s better to have some basic awareness and knowledge about emergency protocol, first aid methods, etc.for your own safety as well as the safety of your friends and family. Be it accidents or sudden heart attacks or natural disasters, you will never know when a situation will arise that demands your presence and action in the form of help. Have a look at these 5 following points on how to handle an emergency patient or an emergency situation.
Being aware and educated is always better than being prepared when it comes to an emergency. The first step you will need to take towards emergency preparedness is ‘education’. Whenever you find the time, use that opportunity to learn about some of the common emergencies that can occur to anyone in your surroundings, your loved ones, even you.
Emergencies can be of any type. This means if a person A faces one type of emergency, person B need not face the same. Each of us runs into different risks, depending on our lifestyle, situation, geography, etc. But despite all of these, health-related emergencies like sudden heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrest, faint, accidents, etc.affect a wide section of the population. Of which, accidents are the most common cause of injury. Whether it’s a minor accident or a major one, even if you don’t know how to handle an emergency patient, it’s better to know at least how to respond and act quickly.
Prevention is always better than cure. Likewise, preventative steps taken to avoid injury are always far better than trying to cure or fix the problem once it has happened. Even in the toughest of situations, one small common sense or practical thinking practices can come a long way. Even the basic safety rules which we learned as a child can help us in a much better way if we try to remember and incorporate them in our day-to-day life. It’s more important to be sensible than sensitive.
It is really important to respond quickly in cases of emergency. A clear emergency action plan is always advisable to organize your responses and thought processes. Instead of panicking, if you try to break down your plan into several steps, you will surely get an idea regarding what exactly to do.
Don’t know how to handle an emergency patient? The best thing one can do in most emergency cases is to simply stay ‘calm’ and ‘collected’. Our emotions, though at that time may come out of impulse, can tend to halt our critical thinking as well as our ability to think clearly or quickly. The hardest part is not knowing what to do. It’s a better idea to always carry around a first aid kit. The kit may include basic essential first aid materials including band-aid, antiseptic lotion, bandages, cotton, clean water, etc., and other such critical supplies that come handy depending on the circumstances.