An insight on the harmful effects of smoking

admin Health Tips

The tobacco pandemic is one of the world’s most serious public health hazards, claiming lives of more than 8 million people each year. While more than 7 million of these fatalities are of smokers through direct tobacco use, around 1.2 million deaths are of nonsmokers who were exposed to secondhand smoke.

The most widespread form of tobacco use in the world is cigarette smoking. It is one of the most leading causes of preventable deaths, with people who smoke dying 5 – 10 years earlier than people who don’t smoke.


There is no safe amount or risk-free level when it comes to smoking. No matter how much you smoke, tobacco is dangerous for your health, and it only does more harm than good. There is no product within tobacco that is known to be beneficial for health. Smoking causes many problems such as:

  • Cancer (Oral Cancer, Lung Cancer, etc.)
  • Lung Diseases (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, etc.)
  • Blood clots and thickening blood vessels
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Stroke
  • Vision Problems (Cataract, Macular Degeneration, Vision Loss)
  • Coronary Heart Diseases & Heart Attacks

Smoking also raises the risk for Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Reproductive Problems, Chronic Headaches, and Migraines. It also causes problems related to the immune system, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. Women who smoke while being pregnant are not only putting themselves in danger but are also putting the unborn baby at risk. While the mothers are at risk for miscarriage, premature labour, and complications during delivery, the unborn baby is born with low birth weight, is prone to many vulnerable infections, has a higher risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), has breathing difficulties, and a greater risk for long-term health problems and death.


Cigarettes emit about 7,000 compounds when they are burnt. At least 69 of these chemicals have been linked to cancer, with several of them being highly hazardous.